A wooden table topped with lots of different foods.

Top 5 Holiday Recipes

Can you believe we are rounding the corner to the end of 2021, also known as “COVID year 2”?!  The last two years have been quite a rollercoaster ride for everyone.  The good part is it’s Christmas time!!  I love everything about Christmas:  the decorations, the music, the kindness of the holiday season, and especially the food!  From Christmas breakfast to Christmas dinner, the entire season is full of delicious bites that just make you smile.  In the spirit of the most wonderful time of the year, I’m sharing my top five holiday recipes.  Are you ready?  Here we go!

  1. Stuffed French Toast

Christmas breakfast is my favorite part of Christmas morning.  Of course I enjoy opening gifts and seeing the look of joy on my children’s faces, but my biggest gift is watching everyone enjoy the Christmas breakfast bounty I have prepared.  This Stuffed French Toast is always a winner.  It’s also pretty low effort with a big payoff.

  1. Brie en Croute

The entire holiday season is like a big appetizer fest (IMO).  I love waking up to mini bites, crackers, cheese, etc.  The day after Thanksgiving signifies the beginning of appetizer season, as we all eat leftovers for three days straight.  So for me, brie en croute is easy elegance.  I like putting jam in the middle and baking the brie in puff pastry.  Fig jam tends to be my preference, but there are plenty of options. Served with a nice crisp, cracker or fresh apple slices…heaven!

  1. Crab Dip

This one makes the list for pretty much the same reason as the brie en croute: easy elegance.  The difference is, crab dip is much more filling.  If I’m being honest, crab dip isn’t the only thing I like in this category.  Any dip works– buffalo chicken dip, caramelized onion dip, spinach dip.  This whole dip thing is the reason I keep a plentiful supply of cream cheese and (puff pastry on hand) for the entire month of December.

  1. All Things Red Velvet

I tried (I mean I really tried) to narrow it down to one specific red velvet recipe I like most.  I couldn’t do it.  I love red velvet.  The rich red color and the subtle chocolate flavor, with cream cheese icing seriously takes me to another place.  (I’m salivating right now!)  Since I need to pick one recipe (a self-imposed requirement for this post), I’m going to go with Red Velvet Waffles.  It’s like having dessert for breakfast, and that’s always a welcome proposition.

  1. Standing Rib Roast

This is always the masterpiece of Christmas dinner.  Standing Rib Roast, when cooked properly, sitting in the middle of the dining room table is nothing short of regal and ceremonious.  It says “This is Christmas dinner.  Please be seated and enjoy”.  Often we are intimidated by this grand and imposing cut of beef, but there’s really no need to view this as a daunting task.  It’s actually easier than you think.  And like stuffed french toast, it gives a big payoff.

These are my Top 5 Holiday recipes [today].  Even as I type I’m thinking of more stuff that I really look forward to during the Christmas season.  What are your favorite recipes during the holidays?  You don’t have to think of five as I did, but at least give me one or two!

May your palate and cravings be satisfied; I know mine will be!

Happy Cooking!

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